The Inside (DNA)

My AncestryDNA Results

An overview of my AncestryDNA ethnicity results shows my DNA inheritance as mainly England & Northwestern Europe (41%), France (26%), and Germanic Europe (18%). With the recent update to AncestryDNA's result categorization, I now also show 10% Danish and 2% Swedish (where before it was more broadly categorized as Scandinavian). And my Irish heritage is 3%. 

I had 40,833 DNA matches as of 31 January 2025.

Figure 1a: My AncestryDNA ethnicity summary

Figure 1b: My AncestryDNA ethnicity summary - mapped

I am associated with two AncestryDNA journeys (formerly known as communities):
  • Southeastern Quebec French Settlers, on my mother's side; and
  • Greater London to Southern East Midlands, on my father's side.

Figure 2a: Maternal-side journey (formerly community) results

Figure 2b: Paternal-side journey (formerly community) results

A summary of my DNA inherited from each parent. Note that this is inferred by AncestryDNA since neither of my parents has taken a test by AncestryDNA.

Figure 3: Ethnicity inherited from each parent

Page last updated on 31 January 2025.

Map credits: Mapbox and OpenStreetMap via AncestryDNA ethnicity results on